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Can You Live With This?

Posted by admin

Hello everyone, how nice of you to read this. You may already see it, but my face and especially my mouth are still hanging a bit. I had a stroke in 2016. I was already a widow then. I came out very well only part of my body was paralyzed (right) Now it's worse when I'm tired or under some stress. And can hide it well. Well, I'm not proud of it. Especially lonely I must say because I'm worried. Who ever wants a woman whose mouth can hang and where not all motor skills still work. Well, I put on the naughty shoes and posted this anyway. So I'm looking for a man who doesn't make an issue of this. Age doesn't matter to me. I am 62 years old and I come from Stadskanaal. I can drive a car, I have an automatic. Who wants to have a nice drink with me?

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Can you live with this?


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