Do you also enjoy going out??
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Price: Not applicable
Hi there you are, read carefully because I have a lot to tell you. First of all, I don't force anyone to come with me. Everything is done of your own free will and it's not just camping either. I also love luxury on holiday. But I really enjoy camping for a week or 2 once a year. Dearest in France, also in Italy and Germany or Spain or Portugal. Do everything by car, but together is much more fun, isn't it? Be honest.
I prefer to travel more luxuriously by plane or, if it is close by, I can even go by car. But what I'm especially looking for is a buddy, so that I'm no longer alone. I have been a widow for 5 years and something nice needs to be done about it. First have a drink and then we'll see. We have everything in our own hands, so I am open to a lot.
If you like it and are interested, please let me know
Love, Carola
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